Wednesday, January 21, 2009


It is hard to not get wrapped up in all the hoopla with our new president. On the one hand I am so proud that in my lifetime I was able to witness a black president. I took a black history class in college and I am amazed at how so many suffered just because of the color of their skin. I believe that is why God blessed blacks with such beautiful voices, because of the suffering they endured. So many were touched yesterday and it was touching to watch the rejoicing tears of so many. But on the other hand I am scared for all that is to come. Scared that all Bush did to preserve the sanctity of life and marriage is going to be lost. Truthfully I don't even know how to pray for Obama. I know that he has many hard decisions to make on the road ahead and I don't believe that he is going to consider asking God for wisdom. But I will pray, if for nothing else that we as believers will stand up and fight for what we believe and not be afraid. I think the times are coming when we will be called to risk more than we ever have and I pray that I will be willing.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ever have one of those days where you just feel lonely? Lonely even when you are with people. I had one of those days today. Just lonely. I went to a bible study and I was amongst people but I didn't really know anyone, lonely. At home all day with just the kids, lonely. Husband at work till late, lonely. None of your family lives in the same town, lonely. Some of your best friends live far away, lonely. So lonely that even those you love that are no longer on this earth you miss. Just a deep in your heart lonely. Like a elephant is sitting on your chest, heart hurts, lonely. But I have found that the girls love to watch cooking on TV. We don't have cable or anything but we get a PBS (public broadcasting station) channel called "Create". The girls, mostly Mattie as Ches can't sit still for anything, sit and watch with wonder and amazement. They ask questions and want to make whatever they saw. With my girls sitting on either side of me for a half hour I didn't feel lonely.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas is past and this Miller family had a lot of fun. The girls and I left for the Bay on Monday before Christmas. My brother and wife and kids came in on Tuesday morning. The girls had so much fun playing with their cousins James and Kylie. My parents were thrilled to have the whole family together. Matthew came down on Christmas Eve which we spent with his family. Mattie got a new scooter which she loves and rides all around our house. Chesnie got a new bike that Uncle Rick pushed around for her. Christmas morning all the kids told the story of Jesus' birth with Gma and Papa then it was time for presents. One after the other. Mom and dad spoiled us all, especially the kids. Mattie loves Tinkerbell so everything she got was Tink, including her wrapping paper. Ches loves little mermaid so that is what she got. They all had a blast. They also got to make a gingerbread house with Uncle Chris and Gma. My parents took Matthew and I and the girls miniture golfing, Mattie is pretty good and Ches just picks the ball up and throws it in the hole. We had our own little Christmas morning on New Years Day. Chesnie loved her doctor kit and Mattie is our budding artist with her new easel. They also both love the Fresno State bulldogs thanks to their daddy so we made a shirt for Mattie and Chesnie got a hat. Now they can match daddy! Who needs a boy? All in all we had a great time, we were blessed with many gifts, lots of family and great food.